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Remedi, Vice President FLIRT MC said on Oct 7, 2011 7:51 AM

Thank you for stopping by the page and spreading some love. Keep your light shine and those in the dark will find the way. Love and respect! FLIRT MC

"EXODUS" said on Sep 30, 2011 10:04 PM

Whats up my R4R FAM? I'm very excited about this Blessed Ministry!! May God continue to keep each and every one of you. Remember we are "the salt" of the earth. A special shout out to R4R JAX!!! Much luv!!

"EXODUS" said on Sep 30, 2011 9:33 PM

Whats up my R4R FAM? I'm very excited about this Blessed Ministry!! May God continue to keep each and every one of you. Remember we are "the salt" of the earth. A special shout out to R4R JAX!!! Much luv!!

R. love said on Sep 6, 2011 9:54 PM

Thanks for the Buest Book blessings Lady Ruth. I return the same to you and your family. Peace, Love & Respect R. Love, Chairman & CEO Enigma Motorcycle Club Washington, DC "Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained..."

truelybless said on Sep 4, 2011 10:04 AM

May God bless d R4R i love ur website.Keep up d work of God and u will be blessed.I hope one day we will meet be bless from truelybless 2d limit bike club member

"E" said on Sep 4, 2011 4:12 AM

R4R, I am amazed but not suprized at how God can use motorcyclist to bring the word to the streets. I hope to meet up with you all real soon!! GOD BLESS AND KEEP THE SHINY SIDE UP!! "E"

Ranger said on Aug 26, 2011 11:31 PM

Shout out to Lady Ruth for hitting up our guest book and shout outs to the rest of the R4R fam. Nice website and I like what the spirit has led you to do for the MC community. God bless and stay safe. Hope to see you all on the streetz sometime. Hit us up if you're ever in da ATL.

T Luv (Tru Ikonz MC) said on Jul 1, 2011 9:24 AM

Whats up fam, thanx for hitting up our guestbook....shout out to Faith and the rest of the crew.... If u are free, please join us as we Celebrate our 10th Anniversary, Labor Day Weekend (Sep 2-4) in Augusta, Ga....log on to or become a friend on facebook (Tru Ikonz-Augusta), to get further details.....

R4R-NC Chapter said on Jun 18, 2011 4:58 AM

To my R4R CT family.....we are sending Blessings and Love your way...I am so excited about the things GOD has done in our ministry and the things he's gonna continue to ,for eyes have not seen nor ears have heard........I love you guys and remember "Never drive faster then your Guardian Angel can fly!!!!

Q (Kingdom Road Warriors) said on May 27, 2011 5:26 AM

Whats up Family!!! I just wanted to stop by and say Thank You and much Love to the R4R family. You guys blessed us so much with your presence and we look forward to the trip up North. The "Kingdom Connection" will be rolling strong!!! You guys were motivation for KRW in 2007 and look how God is bringing us together now! Keep up the great work, Keep Reppin 4 The KING! and Keep! Q

T-Dub (Kingdom Road Warriors-VP) said on May 24, 2011 0:27 AM

R4R, thanks for fellowshipping with us in Norristown, PA last weekend. It was a wonderful day in the Lord. Too bad you all missed the feast at Shady Maple in Lancaster PA; it was food fit for a king. We hope to connect with you if you make it to Camden NJ for the bike blessing hosted by Christ for Life MM. Be blessed!!!!

Judah said on May 7, 2011 2:13 PM

was lookin for the pic's from MD...tried the FB page and this page popped up.......

B.A.B.S. said on Apr 27, 2011 2:21 AM

Hello my R4R family, just stopping thru to show some Asphalt Assassins MC luv, and to see when the Bike Blessing was, hope I didnt miss it! AA All Day!

evangelist peyton said on Apr 12, 2011 0:15 AM

praise the lord from with all blessings flow. u have avery nice website. would like to know more about your chapter. maybe we can do something here.

Faith said on Apr 6, 2011 5:45 AM

Hello my R4R family, I just wanted to stop by again and encourage each and everyone of you. It's also riding season, be mindful that God has called each and everyone of us to this ministry to reach a lost soul, Our purpose is to build the kingdom of God. God has a plan for us and we must be ready. So as we wait to the weather break, we should pray that God prepare our hearts and mind to minister to the people that we come in contact with. I miss each and everyone of you and I look forward to my CT R4R family meeting our NC R4R family.......update to follow!!!!!

Donita Messenjah Waldron said on Mar 29, 2011 12:10 PM

God bless you all..It's good to know there are many out there with the same goal..winning souls..I thank the Lord for each of you and I pray for not only continued success but continued growth and infect everyone with the truth and Love of our Heavenly Father everywhere you go..God bless, Messenjah..Luvs!

Jennifer Hampton said on Mar 29, 2011 11:22 AM

Came through to drop some love on your page... Keep doing Gods thing in these streets ... We need you R4R ..Blessings ...Traveling Grace... And Spiritual intercessory changing power to you In 20011 Blessssssss J. Hampton

Trina Lucky said on Mar 21, 2011 8:38 PM

Hello man and women of God, I wanted to give you guys a shout! What marvelous things you are doing for christ...keep up the great commission. (I remember when you met, wow, God is good) - Pastor Lucky (weat n' tare ministry)

Foxxee said on Jan 12, 2011 8:53 AM

Hello family we United Family MC attended the 2011 PROC Convention ..take care and have a blessed riding season! Foxxee UFMC Rockford,IL

CHARMZ said on Jan 12, 2011 8:28 AM


Tazz said on Jan 12, 2011 0:19 AM

Wanted to stop by and leave some luv on your page. Looking forward to rolling & praying with you in 2011.

Jet said on Jan 11, 2011 8:34 AM

Blessed Happy New Year... I saw your message & name & wanted to leave a message. Not sure how long you've been on my facebook page, but it'll be great to stay in contact for the new riding season. God bless what you all do in the name of our Lord. Godspeed. Jet, Prez - Kingdom Ryderz Motorcycle Organization ~

Afreka Cohen said on Jan 4, 2011 2:09 AM

This is truly inspiring to see. I live in Jacksonville, Fl and I have a strong desire to ride a bike. I haven't taken the class as of yet because I didn't want to get a bike and join a bike club that are always in a night club. I really am proud of you all for stepping out!

Quiet Storm- The Presidents MCO, New Haven, CT said on Jan 4, 2011 1:08 AM

This site is awsome. Put together very well. Have a blessed day and I look forward to riding with you guys in the summer! Keep up the good work!

Sis. Tabitha said on Jan 2, 2011 1:26 AM

I am so excited about the R4R website!!! It has already been a blessing for me to view this morning so I'm sure it will be a blessing to those that view after me. I know God has great things in store for our ministry in 2011 :D Can't wait to be a part of it.

Faith said on Jan 1, 2011 2:54 PM

The Beginning of a New Year I look forward to the things that GOD has in store for us in 2011. get ready, get ready, get ready!!!!!

Mercy said on Jan 1, 2011 10:03 AM

To: My Prez, Bro. Solomon and my R4R family. I must say thank you for allowing me to continue to be part of such a fabulous family / and ministry. As the year 2010, comes to an end, it is a blessing to see this new (and beautiful) website. Bro. Solomon as I toured the website I felt a fresh fire, and a sense of renewed passion like I have not felt in a long time. I began thinking about Matthew 9:17, when Jesus said that the wine could not be poured into old wineskins because the skins would burst and the wine would spill out and be ruined. New wine, which represents a fresh anointing, must be poured into a new wineskin. I am truly so excited to see what kind of "new wine" God has planned to pour into the "new wineskin" that God has shown our leader that He wants R4R to prepare. I Love you R4R, and I thank you for all of the love that you have shown me throughout the years!

Bro. Solomon said on Jan 1, 2011 1:12 AM

To all my R4R Soldiers, I thank you! As we close out the 2010 calendar year, I want you all to know that the best is yet to come for Rydas 4 Righteousness MM! There is so much work for us to do and I know God will equipment us with the strength, wisdom, courage, and prosperity to get it done for the kingdom. Keep your head up, stay prayed up, don't be moved by anything but the word of God and watch him bring everything to pass. Thank you for all your love and support throughout this year! Love you all! Bro. Solomon & 1st Lady Trinity!!!

Faith-Vice Prez. said on Dec 31, 2010 1:01 PM

To Solomon and my R4R family, God has Blessed us and he is preparing us for the next level....I miss you guys and I look for to seeing everyone soon...Stay Tuned for the best is yet to come!!!!

Judah said on Dec 30, 2010 9:28 PM

Bro Solomon the site is great!!! Looking forward to the New n great plans HE has for us to do....The Joy of the LORD is our Strength....

Hotice Crawford said on Dec 29, 2010 8:30 AM

I'm from No Haterz MC of Indianapolis, Indiana

Chuck Knox said on Dec 29, 2010 2:21 AM

Glad to see you dropped some light on the Web. Stay blessed and look forward to riding come spring God Bless C. Knox Evening Star Holiness Church

Trinity said on Dec 29, 2010 0:49 AM

Checking out the R4R's site. What a "Beautiful Example" of what we represent! God showed me that "Eyes have not seen nor ears heard of the Great & Magnificent things that He has instored for R4R"! Bro. Solomon continue being that Great Leader, and example as we follow you as you follow Christ! Who said that Christians Don't Have Fun?? Luv Ya.....

Armondo Canady said on Dec 29, 2010 0:14 AM

Just stopped by to visit. Me and my Imago Dei MM brothers would like to once again thank you for taking the time to answer some of our questions and point us in the right direction. Stay blessed my brothers and sisters and we look forward to meeting up soon.

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